
Welcome to markdupre.com. This site is dedicated to a variety of my Christian-related blogs, articles and dialogues, including the devotional entries that make up Along the Way. Check out  that book and The Christian’s Guide to Adulting, both available at Amazon.

Other sites by this author are film-prof.com and dedicatedtogrammar.com.

21 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Hi Mark,
    I just checked an old email account and saw you launched a book!! Why doesn’t that surprise me! As a fellow Marionite, I’d love to catch up with you. I’ll leave a better email address for you. Jim Kohler

  2. I love your daily devotional and only wish I had known about it sooner. It’s now my favorite part of every morning. Thank you and many blessings upon you!

  3. Your devotional is a huge blessing! The Lord speaks to me daily through it. Thank you so much for your commitment. Have you thought of publishing it as a book/yearly devotional?

  4. Hi Mark-
    I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at the Liftbridge. I invite you to check out my website. Glad to know that you and your humor are out there.

  5. Hello, Mark. It’s your college-age friend and small group attender from your days on the Upper West Side, at whose wedding you sang! Glad to find your site. I see you and your family have been bearing fruit. Drop me a line, I’ll catch you up. Our love to Diane. (Tell her “Cereal cold”)

    • Jeff: Got your message–thanks! We’re doing well. Oh, my, so much water under the bridge since the ’80s! Yes, my three children are doing well–all quite different in some ways, yet all having the same kind of humor. A lawyer, a musician, and an accountant! Can you give me your email address and I’ll do better than this short note? My most common email is pastormark@cccbrockport.org. Take a hug!


  6. Pastor DuPrue, I received your devotional “My Light and My Salvation”. PTL. I am so pleased and blessed by this devotional. Thank you for your insights. Sometime back, my Pastor at that time said “we are beggars showing other beggars where the bread is”, thank you for showing this beggar the Bread of Life.

    • Thank you, Gale, for taking the time to write. I pray it will continue to bless you throughout the year. So grateful for your kind comments.

      • Hello, Mark,

        It’s Jeff Benz. From the Upper West Side of the 1980s.

        I left a comment a while ago on your blog, but as I realized later it was on a page that was commented on infrequently (most recently in 2014), so maybe you don’t check the comments on that page very often (I don’t know how it works).

        For that matter, I don’t know if contacting you is as simple as hitting “reply” here, either.

        Anyway, as I wrote at greater length elsewhere, how are you? Glad to see you and Diane and your three kids are thriving. If you want to catch up, shoot me an e-mail.

        God bless,


        On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 10:16 AM, “Mark DuPré” wrote:

  7. Mr.Dupre I just got finished reading ( How to Act Like a GROWN-UP) Excellent! I have to say I grow up when I gave my life to Jesus, but you are never to old to learn. My daughter is already 26 years old but I AM going to tell her about this book. Also, my sister has a son that is 13 and daughter that is 10 of age. I told her about the book and she whats to read with her kids. I will share this book with others who have teenager and young adult.

  8. Got this devotional My Light and My Salvation while rummaging through a discount store. Had bought another devotional earlier that day and told myself they could work for a morning and evening devotional guide. What a blessing this book has been in my first 2 weeks. Truly allows me to journal what I hear the LORD saying to me. Thanks pastor for the reminder of my continued dependence on that LIGHT.

  9. I have been using My Light and My Salvation devotional – God has used His Word and your devotional thoughts to both challenge and encourage me. Thank you. I was also glad to see a way to contact you – I wanted to ask if you have done another devotional journal. If or when you do I certainly want to get one right away. I have worked in Christian bookstores and I know there are many out there, but for me, you have “hit it on the head” thank you again. I appreciate the prayer and journaling section as well. So keep sharing!

  10. Hi Pastor Mark! I am loving your devotional, that I bought last week at Liftbridge. Such depth, truth and food for thought and prayer. Thank you for writing it. Thank you for bringing light to many (hidden) forms of darkness. Blessings to you.

  11. I have so enjoyed “My Light and My Salvation” one year devotional journal my daughter gave me last year. On December 24th, there was one word omitted from the second paragraph (which you may already know). … and you shall call his name “Jesus”, which was omitted. Thank you for your dedications to providing wonderful devotions. May God bless your ministries.

  12. I found your one-year devotional, My Light and My Salvation, on my book shelf and it is superb. I think I purchased it for one of my daughters a few years ago and I’m so glad I came upon it.
    I want to thank you for such Spirit-guided insightful writing. It has helped rekindle my desire for God’s word as a priority over all else.
    God’s blessings to you in Christ Jesus, Mark!

    • Michael,

      Thanks so much for this feedback. Just to know that He is using it is such a blessing. The devotional has been re-designed and released under a new name, “Along the Way: (available on Amazon). Just a very slightly edited new version. Basically the same–just a more modern, easy-to-read design.


      • Maud:

        I just ran across your note while updating other websites. Just to let you know, the devotional has been redesigned and now goes by the name of “Along the Way.” I’ve also just published “The Christian’s Guide to Adulting.” Both are available on Amazon. God bless!


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